Nero explains to his troupe he was late to rehearsal due to ambassadors keeping him
The lady told me nothing of the banquet,
Yet each man sat about my table
That as I entered, thinking how strange
The train of innominate courtiers
After me, they insipidly quarreled
Such that the day would be encompassed
With petty arguments and courtly matters.
But I am given to an entry:
Remarking on the flavor of a cherry,
I put forth art and all it’s uses:
How heavily the Greeks engaged me.
Listen what their ambassador reported:
In the east they have forgotten how to play,
And commoners content their souls either with
A shallow modesty or sheepishness -
What could I follow it? I fell to dreaming:
My mind did span the ocean twice at breakfast
In search of playful actors, sportive crew,
But dreams do peddle to our hearts we’re free -
My mind began to render a far extravagancy
Wherein I felt the wildness I go to.
Yet therein I recovered myself
Upon my great devotion to the work.
Thus finished with breakfast, I gave gratitude
For their counsel, vowed to receive their notes,
And then informed them of some crisis
And it required me.